Banco do Brasil RI

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Related Party Transactions

We encourage the establishment of an independent environment for negotiation, analysis and approval of related party transactions in order to assure that they are reasonable, justified and balanced, and that the result is commutative and meet our interests.

We observe the institutional responsibilities, the decision-making process and the competencies and levels of authority established for the negotiation, analysis and approval of related party transactions. The condition to such transactions is the formalization and specification of the operation characteristics, such as: hiring parties, motivation, price, duration, terms, conditions, risks and benefits that are expected for the Bank and for the related party.

At Banco do Brasil, is forbidden the participation of senior managers and employees in private or personal businesses that interfere or conflict with the interests of the company or that results from the use of confidential information obtained from the position or function they occupy.

By reinforcing the best corporate governance practices, we timely publish in a clear and accurate manner the related party transactions whose disclosure is indicated by the applicable legislation, as well as we adopt appropriate internal controls to ensure its compliance and evaluate them annually in order to verify the continuity of such transactions’ convenience.

Transactions with Related Parties under conditions other than market conditions or that may jeopardize the interests of the Bank are strictly forbidden.

Banco do Brasil’s Related Party Transactions Policy is as an important instrument that aims to guide the organization concerning the correct treatment for transactions that may present potential conflicts of interest and that involve related parties.

Updated 12/20/2018 at 02:33 pm