Banco do Brasil RI

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Integrated Governance and Management Index (IGG)

Integrated Governance and Management Index (IGG)

The Brazilian Federal Court of Accounts (TCU) carries out constant surveys to better understand the governance situation in the public sector and to encourage public organizations to adopt good management practices.

Starting in 2017, the TCU began to gather, in a single study, themes that in previous years were analyzed separately – information technology, people, contracting and public governance. In this context, the Integrated Governance and Management Index (IGG), which constitutes the most comprehensive diagnosis of public governance in Brazil, emerged, encompassing state-owned companies, mixed-capital companies, municipalities, ministries, courts, foundations, among others, in a total of almost 500 organs and entities of the Federal Public Administration. The IGG is composed of the following dimensions: public governance; governance and people management; governance and IT management; and governance and hiring management.

Based on the results disclosed by TCU, Banco do Brasil obtained the best score in the indicator (IGG), in 2017 with 91%. In 2018 the Bank’s score increased to 94%.

The complete data of the survey – Detailed Technical Report; Judgment; Full data (in spreadsheet) and links to individual reports of respondents are available in:

Results – 2018 (portuguese only)

Results-2017 (portuguese only)

Updated 06/18/2019 at 06:31 pm