Banco do Brasil RI

Investor Relations

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In guiding the conduct of Banco do Brasil’s employees, we use, as a reference, the guiding principles from the policies approved by the Board of Directors, as well as the Code of Ethics and the Standards of Conduct. In addition to these references, the members of the Executive Board and of the Board of Directors also submit themselves to the Code of Conduct of the High Federal Administration.

At Banco do Brasil, we have mechanisms for receiving complaints, denunciations, suggestions and compliments from clients and the external public (External Ombudsman) and also from employees (Internal Ombudsman), which helps the company’s monitoring on the compliance with norms related to ethics and conduct.

In order to prevent the use of privileged information by the management members, the Bylaws foresees self-regulatory procedures, which are governed by the Bank’s Disclosure Policy and by the Trading Policy (Bylaws, article 17).

Updated 12/20/2018 at 02:32 pm