Banco do Brasil RI

Investor Relations

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IR Contact

Updated 02/12/2025 at 02:21 pm

FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I get the Share Income Report?
My company owned BB’s shares, but the “CNPJ” registration was ended. How to proceed?
How to proceed in case of a deceased shareholder?
How can I update my registration?
I bought BB’s shares and I have never traded them. Checking my shares balance I verified a different quantity than when I acquired. What is the reason for that?
How to check my balance of shares, dividends receivable / received or income tax statement?
How can I know the value of BB’s shares?
I have BB’s cautions/shares certificates. How do I know their value and how to convert them into registered book-entry shares?
How can I transfer shares from a BB’s Depositary Institution to a broker?
How do I know the stock position of a deceased shareholder relative?
What is the frequency of shareholder remuneration payment?
What can i do to receive BB’s dividends and IOC?

Customer Service

For information, doubts, complaints and suggestions about Banco do Brasil products and services (such as checking accounts, balances, statements, cards, payments, transfers, redemptions, investments and other banking transactions), contact the customer service.

Or you can send a message to our Ombudsman, click here.

Contact BB’s IR

This channel is created to serve Banco do Brasil’s shareholders, analysts and investors. Through this channel, you can send inquiries about BB’s shares, dividends payment, accounting information, as well as suggestions about BB’s relationship with its shareholders (Apimec events, accountability models, service, etc.).

To send a message to the IR team, please fill the form below:

The data requested in the form below will be used by Banco do Brasil’s Investor Relations to meet your requests. For more information, visit our Privacy Policy. By continuing to browse you agree to our privacy policy. To consult, change or remove your data, contact us via email:

Monday to Fryday, from 9 am to 6 pm, by phone +55 11 4298 8000


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