Banco do Brasil RI

Investor Relations

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Code of Ethics

Code of Ethics of Banco do Brasil is a conducting instrument of the principles, values, vision and mission, which presents the Company commitments and guidelines with regard to their stakeholders (customers, workers and employees, suppliers, shareholders, investors and creditors, partners, competitors, government, community and regulatory bodies).

Its main role is to guide the actions of workers and employees, and they have to be aware of and watch over the precepts contained therein.

As for the Code of Conduct they govern the duties and indicate the behaviors considered desirable in the workplace. The document includes specific guidelines related to conflict of interest; gifts and favors; workplace; internal relationships; assets and resources; security and information processing, and other key points. It is a framework that necessarily must be complied by all employees.

Both are reviewed on a regular basis so that they can provide guidelines on how the Company should act upon the challenges of our time. Furthermore, they are part of the program content of the external selections, and pre-employment procedures.

The Code of Ethics and the Standards of Conduct are put into motion in the BB facilities, in Brazil and abroad, and they have versions in English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Mandarin, and Japanese. All employees working in Brazil and abroad, trainees and apprentices are encouraged to read them annually.

Click here to access the Code of Ethics.

Updated 01/29/2024 at 10:25 am