Banco do Brasil RI

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Audit Committee

Among other functions provided by the legislation, the Audit Committee purpose is to advise the Board of Directors in exercising is audit and supervision functions (Bylaws, article 33, caput and 6th).

It consists of at least three and maximum of five effective members, most of whom independent ones, and at least one of the members of the Audit Committee has proven expertise in the areas of corporate accounting and auditing (Bylaws, article 33, caput 2nd – I).

The Audit Committee plays an essential role in the governance structure of Banco do Brasil, since it is responsible for advising the Board of Directors on issues related to oversight of the Bank’s management and to the strict fulfillment of the principles and rules of compliance, corporate accountability and governance. It seeks, therefore, to guarantee the reliability and integrity of the information, in order to protect the company and the interested parties.

Updated 12/20/2018 at 04:53 pm