Integrity, transparency, respect and socio-environmental responsibility
The management of ethics in Banco do Brasil is based on a set of good principles that guide the company’s behavior and relationships aiming to: raise awareness of the functional body about the essential character of ethical behavior in the daily work, enable prevention, curb deviations and identify the risks and consequences of deviations from ethical conduct.
In BB, all units traditionally act in accordance with the ethical principles, norms and culture of the organization. In addition, everyone in the Company is responsible for promoting conduct and practices guided by noble values.
This strong Banco do Brasil culture, built over more than 200 years of history, reinforces the use of administrative and business practices based on integrity, transparency, respect and socio-environmental responsibility.
And in order to maintain its commitment to ethics, BB formalizes its values and guiding principles, enabling ways for everyone to understand and live up to ethical standards, and to assume their responsibilities in the construction of collective goals.
Updated 06/17/2024 at 01:22 pm
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